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Work Order

4 min read

Work Order Entry or Production Order using any manufacturing method like Assembly, Disassembly or Advanced Manufacturing. The Work Order will integrate with the GL with the costing and warehouse transaction.

Assembly or Disassembly

When an assembled (or disassembled) product is created, all the processes are done in one step.

  • Choose the item you need to create a production order for.
  • Enter the number of units required for the production order. If disassembling, then units are negative.
  • The material cost for the assembled (or disassembled) item is regulated.
  • If overhead or labour cost has been added then these costs are adjusted to the average cost.
  • The work order is inserted in the work orders and the units required and units issued are updated.
  • The BOM items are updated in requirements with units required and units issued.
  • The BOM items are added to stock moves with item quantities and a minus value.
  • The stock movement for the assembled product is added as a positive quantity value
  • The total cost for the BOM items are credited to the GL Inventory account (debited if disassembled)

If overhead cost and/or labour cost is entered:

  • A GL transaction has credited the credit account for both values.
  • A GL transaction has debited the GL Assembly Account for both values.
  • A GL transaction has debited the assembly itself in the GL Inventory account (from 7 above).
  • Comments, references and audit trails are created.

Advanced Manufacturing


  • The material cost for the assembled item is regulated.
  • The work order entry is recorded in the Work Orders and the units required is updated.
  • Comments, reference and audit trail are created for the work order.


  • The items release and released date are updated.
  • The Requirements are recorded with units required for each BOM item.
  • Comments and audit trail are updated with ‘Release’.

Additional Issues

  • A record is created for work order material issue with the issue date and for each issued items a record is created with quantity issued.
  • A stock trnsaction is created for each issued item of type Work Order Issue.
  • Comments, reference and audit trail are created for the Issue.

Every time a Cost entry is done the following operations are done.

  • A credit GL transaction is created to the entered credit account.
  • A debit GL transaction is created to the entered debit account.


For each production, the following operations are done.

  1. A record is inserted in the work order and produced quantity is inserted.
    • For each BOM item the work order requirements are updated with produced quantity in quantity issued.
    • A stock transaction is created for the BOM item of type Work Order Production.
    • The material cost for the item is credited the GL inventory account.
  2. For each additional issued items the total issue cost is calculated.
  3. If the variable cost is entered the Assembled items material cost is regulated.
  4. The overhead and labour cost is regulated for the assembled item.
  5. The material cost for the assembled Item is debited GL inventory account.
  6. The stock move for the produced assembly is created of type Work Order Production.
  7. The work order is updated with the produced quantity issued.
  8. Comments, reference and audit trail are updated with ‘Production’.

Voiding a Work Order

Assembly (or Disassembly)

  1. Returning material cost for assembled item and regulated.
  2. if overhead cost and/or labour cost, these costs are regulated.
  3. Set units required and units issued to 0 in work order table.
  4. Void all the stock transactions belonging to the work order.
  5. Void all the corresponding GL transactions
  6. Void all work order requirements.

Advanced Manufacturing

  1. Returning material cost for assembled item and regulated.
  2. Check the productions..
    • Set quantity in work order to 0.
    • Void the stock transaction from the production with type Work Order Production.
  3. Set the issued items quantity to 0.
  4. If issued items.
    • Return the issued items cost from the assembled average material cost.
    • Void stock moves from the issued items from type Work Order Issue.
  5. If Overhead cost and/or labour cost then.
    • Return this cost to the assembled items average cost.
  6. Set the work order to be closed and the units required and units issued to 0.
  7. Voiding all stock moves belonging to the Work Order type.
  8. Voiding all GL transactions for this Work Order..
  9. Voiding all work order requirements for this Work Order.

GL Transactions

All GL transactions from a Work Order are automatically created, leaving no gap for errors.