iX ERP Manufacturing and kitchen module provide the high capability of products manufacturing and production process whether in huge plants or kitchen or even simple packing process. iX ERP support several production methodologies like discrete manufacturing and process manufacturing, also sales order based manufacturing or continuous manufacturing process, also it can suite kitchen with meals pre-preparation or small packing process with multi-station production with the product, labour and overhead cost calculation.

Production orders and Planning
iX ERP Manufacturing module has very strong features when it comes to production order and planning based on several factors like sales orders, inventory and raw materials availability and other factors. You can choose between different types of production method like standard production, reverse production and advanced production, with the selection of Bill of Materials (BOM) and production stages and workstations.
Work Centres and BOM
iX ERP Manufacturing module provides a setup and preparation for the manufacturing process, you can set up the work centres or as its know as workstation or production stage with its process time and labours required, also you should set up products Bill of Materials (BOM), this will allow iX ERP to process your production order and pull the required raw materials from raw materials warehouse and start production.

Advanced Manufacturing
iX ERP Advanced manufacturing gives the ultimate flexibility for the manufacturing process and the ability to separate processes and distribute them among several departments, like raw materials issuance, production processing, receive final products and cost data entry. Advances production give organisations control over the production process with internal rules and procedures based on the production industry.
Production Monitoring
Manufacturing module in iX ERP provides several ways to monitor the production orders and its progress whether it is fully completed or partially completed, the production manager can oversee the production plan and how much is completed from it and whether the plan is on the right track or need any modification. iX ERP gives you the required data and analysis to make your effective decision about your production process or production plan.

Product Costing
Manufacturing module throughout the production process and data recording it calculates the cost of the semi-products and final products, it accumulates the standard cost and the cost of several production stages including the labours and overheads to give you the final product accurate cost based on your configuration, this will give you a better understanding of the costing of final products to be on top of the market and ahead of your competitors.