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iX ERP Sales Module – Customer Sales Management

    iX ERP customer sales management (sales module) is an integrated module in the Cloud iX ERP Standard which allows you to manage all customers orders, invoices and payments.

    iX ERP customer sales management (Sales Module) is seamlessly integrated with the inventory, warehouses and General Ledger Module (GL) with several reports will let you on top of your revenue and customer payments and all its related transactions.

    Creating Your Invoice:

    By using iX ERP Sales module, and after you set up your customers and items properly, you will be able to create customer’s orders or customer’s direct invoices, or you can convert all sales orders and delivery notes to invoices fully or partially, and it depends on the workflow inside your organisation. The iX ERP Sales Module, as it is integrated with the inventory, customers and GL, so you can choose your customer and item with its current prices and discount if applicable, then the iX ERP will calculate the subtotal and total and will include VAT and other taxes if applied as per your settings and configuration.

    Because every organisation has its own workflow process in invoicing the customer, iX ERP allows you to create invoices from the warehouse delivery notes based on the quantities delivered to customers, this action will automatically make the inventory deduction and journal vouchers related to the transaction based on your GL settings.

    What happens After you create an Invoice:

    After saving the invoice and as per the GL integration, the invoice automatically create the journal vouchers related to this invoice as per the settings and deduct the quantity of the products in the invoice from the inventory based on the warehouse selected, also you will be able to print the invoice or send it by email to the customers or internal employee directly from the system.

    The invoice also will give you a warning if the customer exceeds their credit limit if you have a credit limit per customer, also it will check the inventory and prevent the invoice from saving if the inventory item quantity is not enough, but you can change this behaviour by allowing the inventory negative from the settings, or if you are selling a service then the inventory check will not be applied.

    The amount of invoice is added to customer balance and show in customer’s balance report, also the amount will show in the aged customer’s report based on the number of days the payment is delayed.

    Customer Payments and Credits:

    Using the iX ERP Customer Payment, you can pay the invoice fully or partially and this will show in the balance report and aged customer’s analysis report too, also it will generate an automatic journal voucher related to this payment and add the amount to the selected bank or cash account.

    From the iX ERP Sales module you are being able to manage customer’s credit notes and customer’s return vouchers, with automatic warehouse transaction and GL transaction, also it will show in the customer reports and affect customer’s balance.

    Other great features:

    Other interesting features are salesperson tracking by adding the salesperson to the sales order and sales invoice to be able to track salesperson activities in the sales report and dashboard, also you can calculate sales person commission automatically after setting the salesperson commission percentage.

    There are other great features in the sales modules, like sales area and sales groups settings, so you will be able to understand the geographical distribution of your sales, also if you have a monthly recurring invoices, you can set up the recurring invoices through invoices templates.


    By using iX ERP sales module, you will be able to manage your sales and customers with accurate customers balance and track your sales revenue by salesperson, customer, zone or group. Also you will not worry about inventory balance or GL transactions as it is posted automatically and on the spot. Moreover salesperson will not miss a customer discount or payment term and will get warning when the customer credit limit is exceeded. You will eliminate any mistakes or confusion concerning different products taxes and the Taxes GL report, moreover you can send your invoices to customers by email once it is created to have a great customer experience and satisfaction.

    For more information, please check iX ERP page